Making a GitHub Repo
Step 1: GitHub Account
Go to GitHub and Login or Sign-Up
Step 2: New GitHub Repo
Create a new repo with the same name as your account name,
Step 3: Cloning the Repo
Open up MTerminal or your favourite terminal prompt and login as root:
git clone
Step 4: Installing The Files
Go to Dropbox and download the files, after they have downloaded, copy them into /var/mobile/
Step 5: Editing The Files
Open up "Packages", "Release" and "index.html" and edit to your preference. Inside of index.html you should see a part with ((CHANGE TO YOUR REPO)), just use the same repo as you used prior, ie; brackets)
Step 6: Add Tweak Debian
Adding the debian is simply placing your tweak debian(.deb) into the debs folder,
WARNING: Make sure you edit the .deb name to be the same as "Filename" inside of Packages
Step 7: Compress and Compile
Open or go back to your terminal prompt and cd back into your /var/mobile/ folder.
bzip2 -z Packages
git add --all
git commit -m "Init"
git push
Fill in all the details(username and password).. Done!
Step 8: Connect GitHub Pages
Now we have all the files for our repo, we will want to activate our website now ready for Cydia, to do this, we will want to go to GitHub again and open our created repo, you will see an option called "Settings" in the top right..ish, click on that and then scroll down until you see "GitHub Pages", this will activate our website. Click the "None" tab and select "master branch" and then press Save. That's it!
We have now created a fully working repo using GitHub Pages. Click your site link and you will see the website load(the link should be Click the + icon and you will be directed to Cydia, press Install Source and watch as your repo is added to Cydia.